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Update your home for you!


[av_hr class=’invisible’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ position=’center’ shadow=’no-shadow’ height=’20’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ custom_border_color=” custom_icon_color=” id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-kby1tih3′ admin_preview_bg=”]

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There comes a point where we’re finished creating a home for others and it becomes all about us. After many years of tending to every need and comfort of our children, they eventually find new homes of their own and live their own adventures. So, is now the time to update your home for you and nobody else?

After what seems a lifetime of putting others first, it can feel selfish to suddenly be at the top of the considerations list. However, if not now, when is a good time to make your home everything you’ve wanted it to me?

We all know that you can’t have a home with children (and their friends) and pets without the accompanying plethora of dents and scuffs. Whether it’s walls or kitchen surfaces, or bathroom fittings, the life of the family home can be a harsh one.

Now could be the time to replace all those things you’ve learned to put up with. The appliances that are not quite up to the job, or not in quite the right place, let’s change that! Being an empty nester doesn’t have to be dull!

Of course, time has moved on and our needs as older homeowners have inevitably changed. So, as well as thinking about a new kitchen or a new designer bathroom suite, thinking ahead to future-proof your home now, could save more than just money in the long run. Whilst making your comfort and lifestyle today the main focus, of course.

Planning ahead for when we’re not quite as agile as we once were, makes a lot of sense. Ensuring we have plenty of space and a lack of trip hazards goes a long way to allowing you to stay in your own home in later life.

Another consideration is making it possible to have access to everything you need on one floor. We’ve found that making space for a downstairs wet room is a perfect start to making one floor living possible. If you have an integral garage that’s currently little more than a storeroom, that could be perfect for conversion!

Whether you’re thinking of a general update or a meaningful renovation or extension, Parker Home can help you make the changes in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

We all deserve to make it about us sometimes, so how about making your home all about you right now?

Parker Home is currently taking bookings for early spring and for more information we can be contacted here, via info@ or by calling 01284 386899.

