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Is a Garage Conversion Your Best Option?


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If you need more space but don’t have the appetite for a major extension project to upgrade your home, a garage conversion may represent your best option.

With lower budget implications and considerably fewer planning considerations, garage conversions are becoming increasingly popular.

Most of us use our garages for just about anything other than storing our cars. Many of us will admit that they’ve become little more than glorified junk rooms! So, why not make the best use possible of this wasted space?

With home working becoming more and more popular, converting a garage into a home office or study is a great way of keeping your work separate from the rest of your home. If you have children that play musical instruments, converting your garage, and installing additional soundproofing is an opportunity not to be missed!

Of course, there’s more involved in garage conversions that simply changing a door for window. There are often a few technical challenges to consider such as the level of the floor and ensuring there is adequate ceiling height.

It’s also worth considering access to and from your new space. Your current access point may not be suitable for a room in full time use, so it may need to be moved or altered. Depending on the layout of your home, you may wish to create a more expansive space and go open plan.

Parker Home has extensive experience of converting garages for a variety of uses, from wet rooms and kitchens through to studies and family rooms.

Whatever your ideas, it’s worth giving thought to both internal and external aesthetics. From the outside, designing your conversion in keeping with the existing exterior enables your converted garage to blend in and appear part of the original fabric almost from day one.

Internally, giving thought to the flow of your home and how you plan to use and access the space on a regular basis is important to ensure you get the most from your newly created living area.

This provides two key benefits. The first is avoiding that moment when you wish you’d done it a different way! The second is that a well thought out garage conversion will not only add value but significantly improve the saleability of your home.

Parker Home will guide you through any planning implications and also ensure that you are compliant with all relevant building regulations.

For more information, advice or to request an estimate, please contact us on 01284 386899 or info@
